The present guidelines apply to the distribution of Air Transat flights. The Agent agrees to comply with such guidelines when advertising, offering, marketing, booking, selling, and ticketing Air Transat flights through any of its Sales outlets.

  1. Trademarks Guidelines

    The Agent will be allowed to use the following registered trademarks only in connection with the advertisement, marketing, and sale of Air Transat flights during the Term of the Agreement through its Sales outlets:

    • Air Transat
    • Transat Star Logo (collectively, the “Air Transat Trademarks”)

    The Agent will strictly comply with the Air Transat Trademarks guidelines that are attached hereto in its use of the Air Transat Trademarks in its Sales outlets.

    The Agent will not use Air Transat Trademarks (or misspellings thereof) as hyperlinks unless they direct specifically to Air Transat flight information.

    The Agent will not use Air Transat Trademarks in any URL (Universal Resource Locator) or in or as a part of a sub-domain to market any travel products.

    The Agent may not provide access, distribute, transmit or license, in part or in full, to a third party the Air Transat Trademarks.

  2. Website Guidelines

    The Agent will comply with all laws, rules and regulations with respect to the sale, distribution and advertising of Air Transat flights and will not engage in any unfair and/or deceptive trade practice or unfair competition in its websites.

    The Agent namely will not advertise in connection with the sale of Air Transat flights discounts that are untrue or false in paid search ads on any search engines ads (for example: Google, Yahoo or Bing) or on their websites.

    Any Air Transat Data posted on any websites by the Agent with respect to Air Transat flights must not differ from the information provided by Air Transat or posted on its website at any relevant time.

    The Agent will advertise, on the landing pages of all of its websites and on the start of the booking process, all-inclusive prices for the Air Transat flights as well as all other travel products sold. For greater clarity, all-inclusive prices mean a price which includes the cost of the travel services sold and any taxes, fees, surcharges charged or levied by Air Transat, or a governmental or an airport authority. Any service fees or charges imposed by the Agent in connection with the sale of Air Transat flights must be clearly indicated and disclosed at the start of the booking process or the transaction and must be expressly accepted by the customer through an opt-in mechanism.

    The Agent will provide to all of its customers the conditions of carriage of Air Transat, information with respect to baggage allowances, fees and optional fees and notification with respect to the carriage of hazardous materials as well as all other notifications required by law or Air Transat.

    The Agent may not provide access, distribute, transmit or license, in part or in full, to any third-party Air Transat Data.

    The Agent undertakes to comply with all communications from Air Transat, including but not limited to directions, instructions, notices, standards, methods, procedures and guidelines from time to time prescribed by Air Transat including, but not limited to, those dealing with the marketing, advertising and pricing of the Air Transat flight products.

  3. Customer Service and Support

    The Agent will have a customer service department that is accessible through a help desk or by email. Such customer service department will resolve pre- and post-flight issues that will be addressed in a timely and efficient manner. The Agent will use reasonable efforts to (i) acknowledge the customer service requests within twenty-four (24) hours of their receipt and to (ii) resolve such files with the concerned customer prior to the customer’s departure or at the latest within seven (7) days following the date such customer requests were acknowledged. The Agent will provide Air Transat with its full co-operation in the event that Air Transat must intervene to resolve customer service issue.



Air Transat

The Air Transat logo is available in horizontal, vertical, and inverted versions. In most cases, we should always prioritize the usage of the white on cyan version, depending on their use. The two-colour logo should be used on a white background only. White logo can only be used on cyan background. Two-colour logo can only be used on white background.





Exception: black and white

Only use the black on white logo or white on black logo in environments where colors may be limited (e.g., black and white).

Air Transat protection zone

Use the height of the “r” in Transat to define the protected zone of each side of the logo.