Accessibility, Special needs and Medical Equipment

At Air Transat, we make every effort to ensure you are able to fly with us. In some cases however, safety regulations restrict the acceptance of certain passengers. Air Transat follows the regulations and protocol set forth by Transport Canada  Will open in a separate browser window  and the Canadian Transportation Agency  Will open in a separate browser window.

As a Canadian carrier, Air Transat generally adheres to the principles of Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the "Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations: SOR/2019-244" pertaining to communication and information publication, accessible self-service kiosk, personnel training, services to be offered and technical requirements for accessibility.

For flights to or from the United States, Air Transat also follows the Air Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights  Will open in a separate browser window.

The sections below contain all the information you need to properly plan your flight with Air Transat. For more information on accessible transportation for persons with disabilities on board our flights, please contact us.

For any special services please contact us as early as possible, either before booking or at the time of booking. We require at least 48 hours notice in order to evaluate your needs and make the necessary arrangements. Despite the absence of such notice, we will do our best to accommodate you and provide the requested services.

Let us know how we can best serve you!

Conditions for acceptance

Air Transat will accept the determination of a person with a disability as to their self-reliance. Some travellers may require an escort to travel, and this will be determined by the traveller’s own individual circumstances. Please contact us to review your personal circumstances so that we can collectively ensure your comfort and safety. You may also wish to visit the Medical Clearance for travel section of our website.

Advance notice

For any special services, wheelchair requests, etc., including those involving medical requirements, please contact us as early as possible, either before booking or at the time of booking. We require at least 48 hours notice in order to evaluate your needs and make the necessary arrangements. Despite the absence of such notice, we will do our best to accommodate you and provide the requested services. As per Paragraph 33(1) of the ATDPR, we may request for you to provide any information or documents, including a medical certificate, that are reasonably necessary to permit us to assess your request.

We will review your specific needs with you to ensure a safe and comfortable flight. Failure to do so may prevent you from departing on your scheduled flight. Where noted, the completion of an Air Transat medical form is required to determine your fitness to fly. Please contact us to discuss your needs, or to obtain our medical equipment.  

Aircraft specifications

The onboard dimensions of our seats, aisles and lavatories are available on request; we encourage you to contact us should you have any questions regarding on-board navigation or accessibility of these areas.

Your journey - Services offered upon request

In Advance

Air Transat will:

  • Ensure that the required assistance has been noted on the passengers file, with only the pertinent information needed by our team.
  • Arrange for an appropriate seat if needed
  • On request of the person with a disability, retain an electronic copy of the documents for a period of 36 months to facilitate future travel

At departure

An Air Transat agent will help you with:

  • Registration at the check-in counter
  • Advancing to the front of the line at a check-in counter or ticket counter if you are unable to use an automated self-service kiosk or other automated check-in or ticketing process
  • Proceeding through security screening
  • Moving to the boarding area
  • Transferring from your own mobility aid (if applicable) and the mobility aid provided by Air Transat
  • Priority boarding or, if the person arrives at the boarding area after the end of priority boarding, assistance to board after the other passengers

On board

Our crew are fully trained to assist passengers with disabilities, and will help you:

  • Stow and retrieve your carry-on items
  • If not restricted by the size of storage areas, to safely store walkers or manual folding wheelchairs on board the aircraft
  • Transferring from mobility aid to seat
  • Describing the aircraft layout, including the location of washrooms and exits, as well as the location and operation of any operating controls at your seat (for blind or visually impaired passengers)
  • Provide you with an individualized safety briefing and demonstration
  • Assisting you in accessing any entertainment content that is offered onboard
  • Provide you with an onboard wheelchair
  • If you need an on-board wheelchair or the assistance of a support person or service dog to use the washroom, allow you to access the washroom that has the most amount of space, regardless of where the washroom is located on the aircraft
  • Assisting in moving between your passenger seat and a washroom, including by assisting you in transferring between your passenger seat and an on-board wheelchair
  • If a meal is served, assisting you with the meal by opening packages, identifying food items and their location and cutting large food portions
  • By periodically checking to inquire about your needs and well-being during the flight

Our aircraft are equipped with an accessible lavatory designed to be operated with minimal effort. You must be able to use it independently or with assistance from your escort. The on-board dimensions of our seats, aisles and lavatories are available on request; we encourage you to contact us with any questions regarding on-board navigation or accessibility of these areas.

If you are travelling with your own equipment, please note that you must be self-reliant or travel with an escort, as our crew members cannot be responsible for any personal medical equipment.

If you have a visual impairment: 

  • If a meal is offered on board, we will describe all the food and beverages that are offered for consumption or provide a menu in large print or Braille
  • Braille and large font safety features cards are available on all aircraft
  • Each row number of our aircraft is identified with a tactile row marker at the bottom of the overhead bins

If you have a hearing impairment:

  • Our inflight personnel have access to pen and paper to assist with communication

If you are not independently mobile, Air Transat will ensure to:

  • Providing you with a place to wait that is close to members of personnel who are available to provide assistance
  • Periodically inquire about your needs and attend to those needs if the services requested are services listed above

On arrival

An Air Transat agent will help you with:

  • Deplaning, and proceeding through border clearance
  • Where required, the unpacking and reassembling your personal mobility aid
  • The delivery of and transfer to your personal mobility aid at the aircraft door (where facilities/Customs regulations permit) or as promptly as possible
  • Retrieving checked baggage
  • Moving to the general public area
  • Proceeding to a location where you may receive assistance to proceed to the curbside zone from a member of the terminal operator’s personnel
  • Getting to a representative of another airline for a flight connection within the same terminal

Air Transat is not able to provide any of the following services:

  • Other than assisting the person with the meal by opening packages, identifying food items and their location and cutting large food portions, Air Transat does not assist with eating meals
  • Remind a person to take medication, assist with taking medication, or ensure that it has been taken
  • Take charge of or keep any medication refrigerated
  • Remind a person to use the lavatory or assist with any functions inside the lavatory
  • Provide ongoing care during a flight
  • Ensure a person is always attended

Air Transat will accept the determination of a person with a disability as to their self-reliance. Some travellers may require a support person to travel, and this will be determined by the traveller’s own individual circumstances. Please contact us so that we can collectively ensure your comfort and safety.   

Air Transat will, on the request of a person with a disability, accept a support person, if the passenger with the disability, needs assistance or is unable to do any of the following:

  1. Assistance with eating meals, taking medication or using the washroom
  2. Assistance with transferring to and from a passenger seat
  3. Assistance with orientation or communication
  4. Physical assistance in the event of an emergency, including evacuation or decompression (including use of seat belt and oxygen mask)
  5. Unable to understand or respond to safety directions from the crew because of a mental or cognitive disability
  6. Unable to assist in your own evacuation because of a mobility impairment
  7. Unable to establish communication with the crew in order to receive safety information, instruction or evacuation directives because of both hearing and vision impairments

If a local medical support person, the passenger’s attending Physician or Air Transat’s medical support unit MedLink, indicate that the person with a disability is unable to perform any of the above tasks independently, then Air Transat may require the person to travel with a support person as a condition of travel. If there is a discrepancy between the person with a disability wishing to travel alone and Air Transat requiring a support person, the final decision rests with the Director of Cabin Safety in conjunction with the medical support team. Should a passenger wish to travel with a support person but does not require the support for any of the above functions, then normal fees and charges will apply.

If a support person is travelling because of any of these above conditions, Air Transat will arrange for the adjacent seat to the person with the disability to be provided to the support person (seat selection). For fare, taxes, waivers, seat selection fees, refer to Air Transat’s One Person One Fare policy.

Air Transat will require the person with a disability requesting to travel with a support person to:

In Advance:
  • Contact us as early as possible, either before booking or at the time of booking. We require at least 48 hours notice in order to review documents and arrange adjacent seating. We will do all possible to assist and accommodate within that time frame.
  • Provide, at the time of reservation, the completed Air Transat Support Person forms and Air Transat One Person One fare form, for eligibility, fare and fee applicability.
Air Transat will:
  • Review required documentation within 48 hours of receipt and provide a written approval or denial with reasoning. Note that final approval may also be based on observations by the airport personnel.
  • On request of the person with a disability, retain an electronic copy of the documents for a period of 36 months to facilitate future travel
Air Transat is not able to provide any of the following services:
  • Assist with eating meals
  • Remind a person to take medication, assist with taking medication, or ensure that it has been taken
  • Take charge of or keep any medication refrigerated
  • Remind a person to use the lavatory or assist with any functions inside the lavatory
  • Provide ongoing care during a flight
  • Ensure a person is always attended

One person one fare
Air Transat will, on the request of a person with a disability of a nature that requires the passenger to have more than one seat, provide the additional seat(s) adjacent to the passenger’s seat. (Fees and applicability to follow)

  1. Requirement to travel with a support person meeting the criteria set out by Air Transat
  2. Requirement to utilize an additional seat due to being disabled as a result of obesity
  3. Requirement to utilize an additional seat due to other reasons as a result of a disability
  4. Requirement to travel with a personal care attendant, interpreter for a person who is hearing impaired, or a reader/assistance/guide for a person who is visually impaired
Upon confirmation of approval for One Person One Fare, the following fees and charges will apply:

Flights within Canada:
Air Transat is pleased to offer complimentary air fare* for support persons travelling with a person with a disability who cannot otherwise travel on his or her own. In addition, we will provide complimentary seat selection for both the support person and the person with the disability. Please contact us to determine your eligibility for the program.

* Taxes must be paid by the passenger.

Transborder and International flights:
Air Transat will provide complimentary seat selection for both the support person and the person with the disability. Please contact us to determine your eligibility for the program.
Air Transat will require the person with a disability requesting to travel under the One Person One Fare policy to:
In Advance:
  • Contact us as early as possible, either before booking or at the time of booking. We require at least 48 hours notice in order to review documents and arrange adjacent seating. We will do all possible to assist and accommodate within that time frame.
  • Provide, at the time of reservation, the completed Air Transat Support Person forms and Air Transat One Person One fare form, for eligibility, fare and fee applicability.
Air Transat will:
  • Review required documentation within 48 hours of receipt and provide a written approval or denial with reasoning. Note that final approval may also be based on observations by the airport personnel.
  • Arrange for the appropriate seats to be selected
  • On request of the person with a disability, retain an electronic copy of the documents for a period of 36 months to facilitate future travel
  • Arrange for the fare refund upon approval
Air Transat is not able to:
  • Provide One Person One Fare on routes other than domestic flights within Canada.
  • Provide additional seats for an animal or equipment to be placed on
Requirements for approval:
  • Requirement to travel with a support person meeting the criteria set out by Air Transat
    • Passenger with a disability meets the requirements set out in the Air Transat Support Person policy, completes the Air Transat Request for Support Person form
  • Requirement to utilize an additional seat due to being disabled as a result of obesity
    • Passenger who is disabled as a result of obesity meets the criteria in the One Person One Fare policy
  • Requirement to utilize an additional seat due to other reasons as a result of a disability
    • Passenger who requires an additional seat as a result of a disability meets the criteria in the One Person One Fare policy
  • Requirement to travel with a personal care attendant, interpreter for a person who is hearing impaired, or a reader/assistance/guide for a person who is visually impaired
    • Passenger who is hearing or visually impaired provides proof (CNIB card for example)

Portable oxygen concentrator

You may use your Portable Oxygen Concentrator on board any Air Transat flight. Please ask your physician to complete the Air Transat medical form within 30 days of your departure, and return it to us at least 48 hours prior to your flight. Failure to do so may prevent you from departing on your scheduled flight and some services may not be possible within less than 48 hours from your flight.

Your portable oxygen concentrator must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • It must bear the manufacturer's label certifying that the device meets all FAA acceptance criteria for the carriage and use of a portable oxygen concentrator on board an aircraft.
  • It is on the list of models accepted by Air Transat for use in flight.

The following models are acceptable for use: 

  • Airsep Focus,
  • Airsep Freestyle
  • Airsep Free Style 5
  • Airsep Lifestyle
  • Delphi RS-00400
  • DeVilbiss Healthcare’s iGO
  • Inogen One
  • Inogen’s Inogen One G2
  • Inogen One G3
  • Inova Labs LifeChoice
  • Inova Labs LifeChoice Activox
  • International Biophysics LifeChoice
  • Invacare XPO2
  • Invacare Solo 2
  • Oxlife’s Independence Oxygen Concentrator
  • Oxus RS-00400
  • Precision Medical EasyPulse
  • Respironics EverGo
  • Respironics SimplyGo
  • SeQual Eclipse
  • SeQual eQuinox Oxygen System (model 4000)
  • SeQual Oxywell Oxygen System (model 4000)
  • Sequal SAROS 
  • VBox Trooper Oxygen Concentrator

Accepted models are approved by Transport Canada and subject to change without notice.

Batteries and power sources

Please contact us to discuss your equipment's batteries and their acceptance for travel.

All medical devices must be self-powered, as in-seat power sources in the cabin (where available) are not designed for use with medical devices, which require constant current. For this reason, in-seat power supply may not be used to power medical devices during the flight or to recharge its batteries.

Spare lithium or lithium ion batteries may only be transported in your carry-on baggage (carry-on maximum size 23 x 40 x 51 cm (9 x 16 x 20 in) including wheels and handles) under controlled conditions and sizes, and quantity is limited to amount needed for duration of flight. 

Acceptance of lithium-ION batteries (rechargeable)

(For Personal Use Only)
Portable Electronic Devices (PED) / Consumer Electronic Devices (CED) / Portable Medical Electronic Devices (PMED)
Battery Watt-hour (Wh) rating Carry-on baggage Checked baggage Quantity
Up to 100Wh
in device
Permitted Not permitted Limit of 15 devices per passenger
Up to 100Wh
Permitted Not permitted Limit of 20 batteries per passenger
101 to 160Wh
in device
Approval by Air Transat Required
Permitted Not permitted Limit of 2 items (2 batteries in device) OR (2 spare) OR (1 battery in device and 1 battery spare) per passenger
101 to 160Wh
Approval by Air Transat Required
Permitted Not permitted
Exceeding 160Wh
in device only
Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted

Supplemental medical oxygen 

To ensure your safety and wellbeing, Air Transat provides oxygen kits as medically required*, from your departure airport to your airport of arrival, on most routes. You may not bring personal oxygen kits (O2 tanks/cylinders, liquid, canned or recreational oxygen) into the cabin on Air Transat flights.

Please ask your physician to complete the Air Transat medical form within 30 days of your departure, and return it to us at least 48 hours prior to your flight. Failure to do so may prevent you from departing on your scheduled flight and some services may not be possible within less than 48 hours from your flight.

Our oxygen supplier is VitalAire. Our MediPak is equipped with "D" cylinder model 390 I. This type of oxygen machine can be used occasionally or on a continuous flow during the flight.

One (1) kit consists of a full cylinder of 2,000 pSi Approximate pressure at 21ºC (70ºF)
Flow (litres per minute) 1 2 3 4 5
Duration (hours) 6:30 3:15 2:00 1:30 1:15

*Please contact us for rates and charges. Because your medical oxygen supply is based on your doctor’s orders, we are unable to provide a refund for unused supplies.

We encourage you to contact our Contact Centre so that we may arrange appropriate seating. Bulkhead and Emergency Exit seating is not available for passengers using oxygen, as the cylinders must be stored under the seat in front for take-off and landing.

You may bring your own empty cylinder carefully packed as carry-on if the size conforms to regulations or as checked baggage. 

Cane and crutches

Canes and crutches are accepted in addition to the carry-on baggage allowance and these items must be placed under the seat in front of you on board the aircraft.

Guidelines for transportation of wheelchairs and scooters

Air Transat will handle passenger mobility aids, wheelchairs and scooters with priority and free of charge. We require advanced notice to ensure that appropriate arrangements are made to handle your aid with care and attention. Please complete the following form and return to us during the planning of your trip, and no later than 48 hours prior to travel: Request for Transport of Mobility Aids and Assistance Form. Despite the absence of such notice, we will do our best to accommodate you and provide the requested services.

The completed form must be submitted to


  • Check in 3 hours prior to departure to allow sufficient time for safe handling of your equipment
  • Wheelchairs or other battery-powered mobility aids may be carried as checked baggage when:
    • Battery is disconnected
    • Terminals are protected from short circuits
    • Battery is securely attached to the wheelchair or mobility aid
  • No damaged or leaking batteries
  • We will disassemble and pack electric/battery powered mobility aids where required
  • On arrival, where required, we unpack and reassemble your personal mobility aid and deliver it to the aircraft door (where facilities/Customs regulations permit) or as promptly as possible.

As battery powered mobility aids must be loaded and stowed in an upright position, the height and width of the device cannot exceed the size of the cargo hold door. While most devices can be accommodated on our fleet, the following door and weight restrictions will apply:

Flights operated by Airbus A321 aircraft

  • Maximum door width: 60 inches/152.4 cm
  • Maximum door height: 45 inches/114.3 cm
  • Maximum weight: 330 pounds/150 kg

Flights operated by Airbus A330 aircraft:

  • No height or weight restrictions

Please contact our Contact Centre if your device will exceed this size.

Please note that Air Transat will not accept certain types of electrically powered vehicles, not classified as mobility aids. The prohibited devices may include small battery powered vehicle, road scooters and tricycles. For more information, consult our dangerous goods and prohibited items section.

Batteries and power sources

Please contact us to discuss your equipment's batteries and their acceptance for travel.

All medical devices must be self-powered, as in-seat power sources in the cabin (where available) are not designed for use with medical devices, which require constant current. For this reason, in-seat power supply may not be used to power medical devices during the flight or to recharge its batteries.

Spare lithium or lithium ion batteries may only be transported in your carry-on baggage (carry-on maximum size 23 x 40 x 51 cm (9 x 16 x 20 in) including wheels and handles) under controlled conditions and sizes, and quantity is limited to amount needed for duration of flight. 

Acceptance of lithium-ION batteries (rechargeable)

(For Personal Use Only)
Portable Electronic Devices (PED) / Consumer Electronic Devices (CED) / Portable Medical Electronic Devices (PMED)
Battery Watt-hour (Wh) rating Carry-on baggage Checked baggage Quantity
Up to 100Wh
in device
Permitted Not permitted Limit of 15 devices per passenger
Up to 100Wh
Permitted Not permitted Limit of 20 batteries per passenger
101 to 160Wh
in device
Approval by Air Transat Required
Permitted Not permitted Limit of 2 items (2 batteries in device) OR (2 spare) OR (1 battery in device and 1 battery spare) per passenger
101 to 160Wh
Approval by Air Transat Required
Permitted Not permitted
Exceeding 160Wh
in device only
Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted


Wheelchairs and mobility aids powered by non spillable, dry, AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) and Gel batteries are accepted in the cargo hold only. Please note that we do not transport wet cell, spillable or any battery that is damaged or leaking.
Lithium-ion battery powered wheelchair/mobility aids must adhere to the following conditions (where battery-powered wheelchairs or other similar mobility aids are specifically designed to allow their batteries to be removed by the user, e.g. collapsible):

  • Batteries must be removed and placed in individual protective pouches for carriage into the passenger cabin. The wheelchair/mobility aid may then be carried as checked baggage without restriction.
  • The battery(ies) must be protected from short circuit by insulating the terminals (e.g. by taping over exposed terminals).
  • Terminals must be protected from short circuits.
  • Batteries will not be accepted as CHECKED baggage.
  • The battery must be removed from the device by following the instructions of the manufacturer or the device owner.
  • The battery must not exceed 300 Wh; a maximum of one spare battery not exceeding 300 Wh or two spares each not exceeding 160 Wh may be carried.

Damaged, destroyed or lost mobility aids

We will make every effort to ensure that mobility aids are transported with care to avoid loss or damage, and to make a passenger’s mobility aid available to them as soon as possible upon arrival.

If; damage, destruction or loss of a mobility aid occurs, normal limitations of carrier liability will be waived and Air Transat will:

  • Provide a temporary replacement mobility aid that meets the passengers needs for use until their mobility aid is returned to them, repaired, replaced or reimbursed by Air Transat.
  • Reimburse any expenses incurred by the passenger due to the fact their mobility aid was not made available to them upon arrival.

Should you wish to make a claim in regards to a damaged, destroyed or lost mobility aid, please visit the Baggage claim section.

Special declaration of interest

A person with a disability who uses a mobility aid is entitled to make a special declaration of interest under Article22(2) of the Montreal convention, that sets out the monetary value of the mobility aid and a description of its identifying features.

Special declarations of interest may be made anytime from the moment of reservation until Air Transat assumes control of the mobility aid for stowage in the baggage compartment.

We are pleased to welcome on board emotional support and certified service animals that are travelling with a person with a disability.

Service Dog

Air Transat will, on the request of a person with a disability who needs to travel with a service dog, accept a service dog for transport, and permit the animal to accompany the person on board. A service dog must have been individually trained by an organization or person specializing in service dog training, be at least 6 months old and, performs a task to assist a person with a disability with a need related to their disability.

Before you travel

Air Transat will require the person with a disability requesting to travel with a service dog to:

  • Contact us as early as possible, either before booking or at the time of booking. We require at least 48 hours notice in order to review documents and arrange seating and additional space.  We will do all possible to assist and accommodate within that time frame.
  • For flight to the U.S. or the U.K. advanced arrangements are necessary, please submit your request at least 7 days prior to departure when possible. Despite the absence of such notice, we will do our best to accommodate you and provide the requested services.
  • For all flights with the exception to flights to or from the U.S., provide, at the time of reservation, the completed Air Transat Service Dog forms, attesting to:
    • The service dog’s training by an organization or person specializing in service dog training.
    • The breed and physical characteristics of the dog and any physical characteristics of the person with the disability that may affect the floor space at their seat so that appropriate seating arrangements may be reserved.
  • For flights to or from the U.S., provide, at the time of reservation, the completed U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form, attesting to:
    • The service dog’s training by an organization or person specializing in service dog training.
    • The breed and physical characteristics of the dog and any physical characteristics of the person with the disability that may affect the floor space at their seat so that appropriate seating arrangements may be reserved.
  • Provide, before departure, an identification card or other document that is issued by an organization or person specializing in service dog training that identifies the person with a disability and attests that the service dog has been individually trained by the organization or person to perform a task to assist the person with a disability with a need related to their disability.
  • Seating requirements:
    Service dogs weighing up to 12kg may travel in the floorspace at the passengers feet or on their lap. Additional floor space will be provided when arrangements are made at least 48 hours in advance for dogs weighing over 12kg, for the comfort and safety of the animal.
    Service animals are not permitted in the emergency exit row on any aircraft or to occupy an empty seat.

    Emotional Support Dog

    Air Transat will, on the request of a person with a mental or cognitive disability who needs to travel with an emotional support dog, (ESAN) accept a support dog for travel, and permit the animal to accompany the person on board, provided the acceptance conditions are met. This service is not available on codeshare flights or vacation packages.

    A support dog must have been trained to behave in public settings and take direction, be at least 6 months old and be able to manage without access to relief facilities for extended periods of time.

    Before you travel

    Air Transat will require the person with a mental or cognitive disability requesting to travel with an emotional support dog to:

    In advance:

    • Contact us as early as possible, either before booking or at the time of booking. We require at least 48 hours notice in order to review documents and arrange seating and additional space if required. For flight to the U.S., please submit your request at least 7 days prior to departure when possible. We will do all possible to assist and accommodate within that time frame. Emotional Support dogs must be pre-approved by Air Transat's Request department, animals without pre-approval will not be accepted for transport at the airport.
    • Provide, at the time of reservation, the completed Air Transat Air Transat Emotional Support Dog forms, attesting to:
      • The passenger’s confirmation of compliance to Air Transat’s procedures
      • The dog’s health and wellness, with a signed declaration from the attending Veterinarian
      • The requirement of the passenger to travel on an aircraft with a support dog, and that the passenger has a condition as per the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders by the attending mental health professional or Physician
      • The weight, height and length of the support dog and the intended manner of onboard restraint (leash, harness or container)

    Seating requirements:
    Emotional support dogs weighing up to 12kg may travel in the floorspace at the passengers feet or on their lap. An extra ticket for additional floor space in front of the adjacent seat must be pre-purchased at least 48 hours in advance for dogs weighing over 12kg, for the comfort and safety of the animal.
    Emotional support dogs are not permitted in the emergency exit row on any aircraft or to occupy an empty seat.

    Upon check-in:

    • A behavioural assessment will be done at the Air Transat check-in counter, during which the emotional support dog's obedience to the following commands must be demonstrated:
      • The dog will be required to stay at its position upon command
      • The dog will be required to come towards their owner upon command

    We recommend that you review the section on service animals on the Canadian Transportation Agency website Will open in a separate browser window.

    Please be aware that Air Transat does not transport the following breeds of dogs or mixed breeds including one or more of the following breeds*:

    • Mastiffs: All breeds including; Argentine (Dogo Argentino), Bandog (Bandogge/band dog), South African (Boerboel), Brazilian (Fila Brasileiro), Italian (Cane Corso and Neapolitan), Canary Mastiff (Presa Canario), Japanese Mastiff (Tosa Inu)
    • Pit Bulls: All breeds including; American Bully, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier
    • Akita (Akita Inu)
    • Caucasian Ovcharka (Caucasian Shepherd Dog)
    • Karabash Dog (Kangal/Anatolian Shepherd Dog)
    • Rottweiler
    • Wolf Dog Hybrid
    • Doberman Pinscher

    *Certified service dogs of the above breeds may be accepted, following additional verification.

    The following breeds are exempt from the above restriction and will be accepted for transport:

    • Bull Mastiffs and French Mastiffs (Dogue de Bordeaux)

    Please also note the following country-specific restrictions on travelling with animals:

    To Canada: From non-rabies free countries dogs and cats may enter Canada if accompanied by valid health certificate issued in either English or French, by a licensed veterinarian, clearly identifying the animal and showing that they are currently vaccinated against rabies. The certificate should indicate the type of rabies vaccine used, date administered and expiry date (if validity date does not appear on certificate, it will be considered a 1year vaccine).
    From rabies-free countries (as recognized by Canada) Dogs and cats may enter Canada if accompanied by a valid health certificate, in either English or French, of an official government veterinarian clearly identifying the animal and showing that rabies has not existed in that country for the 6 month period immediately preceding shipment of the animal, and that the animal has been in that country for the 6 months preceding import or since birth.
    The owner of the animal will have to pay CA$30 (plus tax) or a fee per animal for inspection by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency upon entry into Canada (except from the U.S.). Complete information can be found on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency website.

    One-way flights only
    From the Dominican Republic, Colombia, El Salvador, Cuba, Peru, Morocco and Haiti: Cats and dogs are not accepted one way from these destinations.
    Exceptions when reserved in advance through our contact centre: Cats and dogs are accepted when travelling round trip to or from the Dominican Republic, Colombia, El Salvador, Cuba, Peru, Morocco and Haiti. Certified service dogs are accepted on one way flights from the Dominican Republic, Colombia, El Salvador, Cuba, Peru, Morocco and Haiti.

    To the United States: Information on requirements and documentation regarding the entry of dogs into the United States are found on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s website  Will open in a separate browser window
    Starting on August 1, 2024, dogs entering or returning to the United States must meet new, specific requirements depending on where they have been in the 6 months before entering the U.S. and where they received their rabies vaccines (if required). Please see the CDC’s list of high-risk countries  Will open in a separate browser window to ensure that the appropriate requirements are met. No animals that have visited a high-risk country within the 6 months before entering the U.S. will be accepted.
    Exceptions:  Certified service dogs and emotional support dogs (when reserved through our Contact Centre in advance).
    Passengers are solely responsible for verifying and completing the regulatory requirements. Dogs that do not meet all entry requirements or do not have accurate and valid forms will be denied entry to the United States and returned to the country of departure at the importer’s expense. These requirements apply to all dogs, including service dogs and dogs that were born in the United States.

    To Mexico: Strict regulations are in effect. Owners must hold specific health certificates issued within a certain time period prior to travel. Failure to present valid documents will result in the quarantine of the animal upon arrival and additional costs for veterinary inspection. Complete information can be found on the Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria website (only in Spanish).

    From and to United Kingdom: Cats and dogs are accepted as cargo only on Air Transat flights – advance arrangements are required and additional fees apply. 
    Exceptions: Certified service dogs are accepted on flights to London, Manchester, and Glasgow (when reserved through our Call Centre at least 7 days in advance). Certified service dogs are accepted on flights from London, Manchester and Glasgow. Pets in the checked baggage hold and in the cabin are accepted on flights from Manchester and Glasgow, but not accepted from London.

    To European Union (EU) countries:

    Animals can travel to the European Union from a non-EU country if the following requirements are met:

    • Cats and Dogs originating outside the EU are subject to EU regulations and require a health certificate. The health certificate must be filled out by the animal’s veterinarian prior to travel. The certificate is available from the CFIA website. Animals originating from an EU country may use a pet passport or an EU health certificate in lieu of a Canadian health certificate.
      • The pet passport must be an EU pet passport, or a pet passport issued by Andorra, Faroe Isl., Gibraltar, Greenland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Vatican City (Holy See) or Switzerland.
      • The health certificate must be issued/completed by a veterinarian at most 10 days before arrival in the EU and endorsed by an official veterinarian of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (the endorsement is not necessaire when the form is completed and signed by an official veterinarian of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency).
    • The animal must have been micro-chipped or has a clearly readable tattoo.
      • The microchip should comply with the ISO standard 11784. If it does not, the owner is responsible for providing a suitable microchip reader.
      • If a tattoo is used, it must have been applied before July 3, 2011. A tattoo is not accepted in the Republic of Ireland.
    • The animal has been vaccinated against rabies.
      • The animal was at least 12 weeks old at the date the vaccine was administered.
      • The primary vaccination must be administered at least 21 days before arrival and after the identification chip has been placed or the tattoo has been applied.
      • Any subsequent vaccination (booster) must be carried out within the period of validity of the preceding vaccination and at least 21 days before arrival.
    • Treatment against the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis.
      • Dogs travelling to the Republic of Ireland require treatment for echinococcus within a period of not more than 120 hours and not less than 24 hours before the time of scheduled entry of the dogs into the EU.

    EU country-specific requirements

    To Portugal: Advance arrangements are mandatory for all cats & dogs (including service dogs) entering Portugal from outside the European Union. Click on the Direção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Website  Will open in a separate browser window for details.

    From and to Republic of Ireland: Cats and dogs are accepted as cargo only on Air Transat flights – advance arrangements are required and additional fees apply.
    Exceptions: Certified service dogs are accepted on flights to Dublin (when reserved through our Call Centre at least 7 days in advance).


    To Morocco: Strict regulations are in effect. Owners must hold a completed Health Certificate issued within 3 days of arrival in Morocco by a licensed veterinarian from the country of origin. Failure to present valid documents will result in the quarantine of the animal upon arrival and additional costs for veterinary inspection. Complete information can be found on the Kingdom of Morocco Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.

    South / Central America

    To and from Colombia: Strict regulations are in effect. Owners must hold a completed Canadian International Health Certificate issued within 10 days of arrival to Colombia. Failure to present valid documents will result in the quarantine of the animal upon arrival and additional costs for veterinary inspection. Passengers must also submit an electronic certificate at least 24 hours prior to departing Colombia with their pet. Complete information can be found on the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario - ICA website (only in Spanish).

    To Costa Rica: Advance arrangements are mandatory for all cats & dogs. Owners, must hold a completed International Health Certificate for Dogs and Cats, issued by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) within 14 days prior to arrival to Costa Rica. Failure to present valid documents will result refusal of entry for the animal. Complete information can be found on the Costa Rican embassy website.

    From Costa Rica: Returning passengers may present their valid International Health Certificate for Dogs and Cats, specific for export to Costa Rica (see example above) issued by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) as long as the certificate is still valid, and was issued within the past 14 days. If the International Health Certificate for Dogs and Cats certificate is expired or passenger is travelling one-way, the passenger must present the Republica De Costa Rica Certificado de Exportacíon de Caninos y Felinos. The certificate must be completed and signed by a Veterinarian and be stamped by Senasa (Health Control, National Service of Animal Health) and the passenger must present a receipt to confirm payment.

    To Jamaica: No animals are accepted on flights to Jamaica.

    To and from Peru: Strict regulations are in effect. Only one animal is permitted per passenger. Owner must hold a completed Canadian International Health Certificate issued within 14 days of arrival to Peru. Failure to present valid documents will result in the quarantine of the animal upon arrival and additional costs for veterinary inspection. Passengers must also obtain an animal health export certificate prior to departing Peru with their pet. Complete information can be found on the Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria del Perú website (only in Spanish).

    To St. Maarten: An advance application for entry is required and can be requested via email at, minimum five (5) days prior to your expected arrival date. For further information, please contact: Inspection Department TEZVT - Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Tel: +1 (721) 542-5641, +1 (721) 542-9887 (O) / +1 (721) 520-7213 (M).

    Air Transat complies with the animal entry and exit requirements outlined in the IATA Travel Information Manual. For additional details on pet travel requirements, we recommend visiting the IATA Travel Centre website.

    How we will help you?

    Air Transat will:

    • Review required documentation within 48 hours of receipt and provide a written approval or denial with reasoning. Note that final approval is based on observations by the airport personnel.
    • Arrange for and provide sufficient floor space for the service dog to lie down at the person’s feet to ensure the well being of the dog and person, including the floor space of an adjacent seat where needed
    • On request of the person with a disability, retain an electronic copy of the documents for a period of 36 months to facilitate future travel

    At departure:

    • Registration at check-in counter
    • Moving to the boarding area
    • Pre-boarding (passengers with service dogs board in priority)

    On board:

    • Your assistance dog must remain under your supervision and wear its leash and harness at all times
    • You must ensure that the dog remains on the floor area provided, and not on a seat or protruding into an aisle, take note that a trained service dog weighing up to 11kg may sit on the persons lap.
    • You must ensure any toileting needs are managed in a controlled and sanitary manner

    On arrival:

    • Deplaning
    • Retrieving checked baggage
    • Moving to the general public area
    • Getting to a representative of another airline for a flight connection

    Air Transat is not able to:

    • Accept more than one service or emotional support dog per passenger
    • Accept any other type of service animal except a service or emotional support dog on board
    • Accept a dog that is displaying any unruly behaviour, including; not remaining with the person with a disability, barking, growling, making aggressive noises at others, biting, lunging, jumping on people, relieving themselves in a waiting area, terminal or on board. In such cases, corrective actions will be required or boarding of the dog may be denied.
    • Accept therapy dogs, search and rescue dogs, or service dogs in training

    Seating devices

    Passengers who want to use any type of customized seat insert, restraint device or support device, or those who are unable to use a standard seat belt or an aircraft seat in an upright position must contact us well in advance. We will be happy to review your personal needs and discuss our aircraft configuration, as restrictions may apply and/or prior authorization required. Special approval may be required for certain devices and we recommend you contact us well in advance of flight day to allow sufficient time for processing. Only Transport Canada and FAA approved car seats can be accepted automatically.

    Knee defenders and/or other similar devices restricting seat recline are not permitted for use on board Air Transat or our partner airlines.


    A CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine will be accepted as a carry-on if it meets our standard carry-on dimensions. Due to the excess weight of these machines, we ask that you limit your other carry-on items to the minimum that is required for your personal needs during flight. Please note that your medical equipment must be equipped with an independent power source (i.e., battery-powered) should you wish to use it during your flight. Air Transat regrets we are unable to provide you with power from any source. Note: A limited quantity of distilled water used by this device is exempt from the liquid restrictions for carry-on baggage. We recommend that passengers carry supporting documentation from their doctor to facilitate security screening.

    Other medical equipment

    You can bring your own medical equipment for use during the flight, if the size conforms to our carry-on baggage size regulations (total size/dimensions not to exceed 23 x 40 x 51 cm (9 x 16 x 20 in), including wheels and handles).

    It is important to note that you should be self-reliant or travel with an escort, as our crew members cannot be responsible for your personal medical equipment.

    Please submit your request for equipment transport at least 7 business days prior to departure, along with the following information:  

    • Type and specifications of your medical equipment (including type of battery used)
    • A medical certificate from your physician, including a statement that you can fly without risk to yourself or other passengers
    • Name and telephone number of your physician
    • Size and dimensions of your own medical equipment, which must conform to our carry-on size regulations

    You may carry EpiPens or hypodermic needles only for personal medical use. The needle guard must be in place and the needle must be accompanied by the medication in its original labelled container or with a signed doctor's certificate.

    We offer accessible inflight entertainment on our flights, by providing accessible Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) for use onboard.

    These devices provide entertainment content with descriptive audio and closed captions to assist customers who are blind, have low vision, who are deaf or hearing impaired who wish to benefit from our in-flight entertainment.

    Should you wish to use this service on your upcoming flight, please note that advance booking is necessary at least 48 hours before your departure. You can either get in touch with our Contact Centre or you may simply fill out this form to make a request for use of an accessible device.

    Passengers having a condition that may impact their responsiveness

    The lack of responsiveness of a passenger can pose a potential risk to this person as well as to other passengers and crew members. Therefore, passengers that are unconscious or that present a low level of responsiveness may be denied boarding. In order to minimise the risk posed to passengers and crew members, without unduly affecting passengers that present certain disabilities that may result in symptoms or behaviours that appear to be akin to unresponsiveness, Air Transat has adopted the following assessment tool.

    Passengers with a high body mass

    We highly recommend you purchase either 2 Economy Class seats with the armrest between the seats placed in the vertical position — a seatbelt extension will be available, and the cabin crew will provide you with assistance during boarding. Please note that extension seatbelts are not available on emergency exit seats. Our Contact Centre agents can help you select the most comfortable seating for your journey. Bulkhead seating and emergency exit rows are not recommended as these seats have fixed armrests that narrow the available seating area. To assist in planning your trip, we can also provide you with on-board dimensions of our seats, aisles and lavatories.


    If you speak a language other than French or English, please notify your travel agent (or Air Transat directly) of your spoken language. Many of our employees speak several languages.

    Visual impairment

    On the ground, an Air Transat agent will help you with:

    • Registration at the check-in counter
    • Moving to the boarding area
    • Transferring from your own mobility aid (if applicable)
    • Pre-boarding

    On board, a crew member will give you an individual briefing on safety. We have Braille and large font safety feature cards on all of our aircraft. Each row number of our aircraft is identified with a tactile row marker at the bottom of the overhead bins.

    Hearing impairment

    For passengers with hearing impairments, our ground and inflight personnel have access to pen and paper to assist with communication.

    Severe Allergies

    Rest assured that Air Transat does not serve peanut products on board. However, as all foods are prepared in an external facility, we are unable to guarantee that allergens will not be present in the food or snacks served on board or that other passengers will not bring these products on board. For travellers with severe food allergies, we will be happy to assist with on-board comfort by making a general announcement, as well as asking adjacent passengers to refrain from consuming their own products on board.

    However, we strongly suggest that passengers with severe food allergies bring their own food and snacks for the duration of the flight, as well as any appropriate medication such as an EpiPen.

    Air Transat will, on the request of a person who has a disability due to a severe allergy, establish a buffer zone around the passenger seat of the person to assist them in avoiding the risk of exposure to the allergen.

    Air Transat requires the person with a severe allergy to:

    In advance:

    • Contact us as early as possible, either before booking or at the time of booking. We require at least 48 hours notice in order to review medical clearance documents and arrange for crew notification for a buffer zone. We will do all possible to assist and accommodate within that time frame.

    During travel:

    • Preboard the aircraft
    • Bring any medications or EpiPens to manage the allergy in case of exposure
    • Bring their own food and snacks on board for personal consumption

    Air Transat will:

    • Ensure a buffer zone free from the source of the allergen in the case of dogs or cats
    • Notify passengers within the buffer zone that there is a passenger with a severe food allergy present and inform them of the allergen.
    • On request of the person with a disability due to severe allergies, retain an electronic copy of the documents for a period of 36 months to facilitate future travel
    • Provide upon request the ingredients of the meals and snacks served

    Plaster Cast

    If a passenger has been fitted with a plaster cast, a medical note will be required to confirm the date and time of the fitting. The passenger will then have to carry that document at all time. 
    A passenger travelling with a plaster cast is not permitted to occupy an emergency exit seat.
    If the passenger has been fitted with a cast within the last 24 hours, he will not permitted to fly.
    If the fitting was within the last 24 to 48 hours, the traveller is permitted to fly on flights of less than 2 hours.
    If more than 48 hours have passed since the fitting, there are no restrictions on the flying time.


    Air Transat aircraft are not equipped to transport passengers on stretchers.

    Air Transat may, on the request of a person with a disability for air travel or services (except for general assistance), require the person to provide information or documents including a medical certificate or form to permit the carrier to assess their request and / or evaluate their fitness to fly alone or accompanied and if so, under what conditions.  If information is not presented at least 48 hours prior to travel, the carrier will make all efforts to assess the documentation and provide the services.

    Air Transat will require the person with a disability requesting assistance to: 

    In Advance:

    • Contact us as early as possible, either before booking or at the time of booking.  We require at least 48 hours notice in order to review documents and arrange assistance and seating.  We will do all possible to assist and accommodate within that time frame.
    • Provide, at the time of reservation, the completed Air Transat forms relating to the services needed or their fitness to fly.

    Air Transat will:

    • Review required documentation within 48 hours of receipt and provide a written approval or denial with reasoning. Note that final approval may also be based on observations by the airport personnel.
    • Arrange for the appropriate seating, services, and notifications
    • On request of the person with a disability, retain an electronic copy of the documents for a period of 36 months to facilitate future travel

    Air Transat may therefore require that a person with a disability complete forms or provide medical attestations as to their fitness to fly alone or accompanied in any of the following circumstances, all relating to the safety of the passenger with the disability, other passengers and the crew members.

    1. The person is unable to understand or respond to safety directions from the crew because of a mental or cognitive disability
    2. The person is unable to assist in their own evacuation because of a mobility impairment
    3. The person is unable to establish communication with the crew in order to receive safety information, instruction or evacuation directives because of both hearing and vision impairments
    4. The person suffered a medical emergency on a previous flight or at the airport which required medical intervention
    5. The person has or appears to have a communicable disease
    6. The person appears to not be fit to fly or be able to care for themselves due to injury
    7. The person appears or demonstrates that they are not able to care for their own personal needs
    8. The person appears not be to able to care for someone else in their care during the flight including children or others requiring assistance

    Refusal of Transportation

    As our top priority is the safety and wellbeing of our passengers and crew members, Air Transat reserves the right to refuse boarding to a passenger that could be at personal risk or a risk to others.

    In the event that a passenger is refused boarding, Air Transat will at the time of refusal inform the passenger of the reasons for the refusal and, not later than 10 days after the refusal, provide the person with a written notice setting out the reasons for the refusal.

    Pre-assigned seating
    Air Transat pre-assigns appropriate seating for all passengers with special needs. Once you have identified yourself as a person with special needs and provided relevant details, all efforts will be made to accommodate you with a suitable seat including those with lifting armrests, additional floor space for service dogs, extra legroom, or those close to a washroom or exit. The seat selection fees may be waived; you may be asked to provide a medical letter supporting your request. We encourage our passengers with special needs to contact us directly to discuss their specific requirements.

    Air Transat works with MedLink, an emergency telemedicine service that enables crewmembers (and ground personnel) to contact an emergency physician at all times. The physician assesses the medical situation and recommends a plan of care. Defibrillators are also on board all of our aircraft; our crew is fully trained in the use of this equipment.


    Request or question pertaining to future travel 
    Fill in the form for any other special requests or contact us at 1-877-TRANSAT (872-6728) (toll-free) or +1-514-636-3630.

    For people who are deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, or for those with speech disabilities, access Bell Relay Service: 

    You must then instruct the Bell Relay Service operator to contact our contact centre at the following numbers: 1-866-234-5136 or 514-906-5196.

    Question or claim regarding past travel 
    If you have a request for past travel, or if you have any comments or claim about our services, please contact our Customer Relations team at or fill in the form.
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