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Nicknamed the Venice of America, Fort Lauderdale is a city in the Sunshine State that enjoys a tropical climate throughout the year. This nautical paradise is a port of call for cruises sailing to the Caribbean and the Bahamas, but its main attraction remains the white-sand beaches that stretch for kilometres on end.
The strip: A hugely popular 5-mile avenue that features bars, restaurants, hotels and plenty of people watching.
Canals: The 400 km of canals, an integral part of the city.
Bonnet House: One of Fort Lauderdale’s historic dwellings, built with coral.
Sawgrass Recreation Park: Travellers can spend a day enjoying an airboat ride through the Everglades and getting up close and personal with local wildlife including alligators and Florida panthers.
Roundtrip from All citiesMontrealTorontoQuebec
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