To ensure your baggage travels with you, please present all of your checked baggage to us at your airport of departure when you check in. Air Transat cannot be responsible for baggage that is not checked in at that time. We thank you for your understanding.
Fragile or perishable articles, including medication or medical devices, money, jewellery, silverware, electronics, laptop computers, personal audio/video devices, negotiable documents, securities, samples of business documents or other valuables (other than articles of clothing) shall not be accepted as checked baggage. Any such items declared or found in checked baggage shall be subject to removal prior to the baggage in question being accepted for carriage by the Carrier.
The Carrier shall not be liable for damage to fragile, valuable or perishable items where such damage is the result of the inherent defect, quality or vice of the item in question. Unsuitably or inadequately packed items will be accepted at the Carrier’s discretion and, where accepted, compensation may be denied as a result of the afore-mentioned factors.
The Carrier assumes no liability for the delay in delivery of any perishable items accepted as checked baggage unless it has failed to take all reasonable measures to avoid such delay.
It is highly recommended that you purchase baggage insurance prior to your trip to cover all such goods, especially if the value of the item is greater than that specified in the Montreal Convention.
Air Transat will do everything possible to carry your checked luggage on the same flight as you. However, should your checked baggage be carried on a subsequent flight (for safety, security or operational reasons), rest assured that it will be delivered to you free of charge, as rapidly as possible, unless applicable laws require you to be present for Customs clearance.