We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with flight bookings.The situation should be resolved shortly.We apologise for any inconvenience.
Air Transat CRS Booking and Ticketing Procedures is to ensure that Tariff Rules and other procedures between the Travel Agent and Air Transat are respected and if not, settle the difference in an adequate and logical way. Audits and checks are performed on TS 649 documents.
In accordance with IATA resolution 850m, Agency Debit Memos (ADM) are a legitimate accounting tool for use by Air Transat and is only used to collect amounts or make adjustments to agent transactions in respect of the issuance and use of 649 Standard Traffic Documents issued by or at the request of the Agent. Alternative uses of ADMs may exist provided that such an agreement exists between Air Transat and the Agent.
If Air Transat determines that a CRS subscriber has engaged in practices that violate this policy, the travel agency will be subject to an administrative AND a policy violation fee, per ADM, for each violation.
Air Transat is committed to provide clear and specific information as to why the ADM charges are being made. Air Transat can issue more than one ADM for one original ticket when the ticket combines multiple unrelated fare discrepancies. Ticketing authority: Air Transat reserves the right to restrict ticketing authority and/ or booking capability for any travel agency that has:
Minimum value for the issuance of a single ADM
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