Flights to Ontario

Search engine dedicated to roundtrip flights.

  • Flights to Ontario are easy to book with Air Transat. Before planning a trip, be sure to check the schedule below, as some routes may be seasonal.

    Discover Ontario, from Niagara Falls to the Thousand Islands.  Continue reading...


Flights to Ontario: best price per month

*The prices shown are for a roundtrip and include the tax and fees

Best flight deals to Ontario

Cheap flights to Ontario



Ontario: our best price per month

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  • Halifax
  • London
  • Moncton
  • Montreal
  • Ottawa
  • Quebec
  • Toronto
The displayed prices are based on a one-week roundtrip flight for one person for the selected month.

Ontario destination


A harmonious multicultural population, a thriving downtown core surrounded by unique neighbourhoods, and no shortage of things to do have helped Toronto reset the urban bar to become a must-see city in North America.

Flights to Toronto  Travel guide to Toronto

Flight options with Air Transat