How to find your booking reference
Booking references are between 6 and 8 alphanumeric characters long. View the format of your booking reference by selecting your tour operator or the country in which your booking was made from the list below:
- Choose -
Air Transat Belgium
Air Transat Canada
Air Transat France
Air Transat Germany
Air Transat Greece
Air Transat Ireland
Air Transat Italy
Air Transat Netherlands
Air Transat Portugal
Air Transat Spain
Air Transat Switzerland
Air Transat UK
Canadian Affair UK & Ireland
Air Transat Belgium
Booking numbers consist of 6 characters (letters and numbers) e.g. C71I3B.
Air Transat Canada
Booking numbers consist of 6 to 8 characters, either numbers (e.g. 123456/1234567) or letters and numbers (e.g. a1bc23/a1bc234).
Air Transat France
Booking numbers consist of 6 characters (letters and numbers) e.g. C71I3B.
Air Transat Germany
Booking numbers consist of 6 characters (letters and numbers) e.g. C71I3B.
Air Transat Greece
Booking numbers consist of 6 characters (letters and numbers) e.g. C71I3B.
Air Transat Ireland
Booking references consist of 6 characters (letters and numbers) e.g. C71I3B OR 8 digits e.g. 40091234
Air Transat Italy
Booking numbers consist of 6 characters (letters and numbers) e.g. C71I3B.
Air Transat Netherlands
Booking numbers consist of 6 characters (letters and numbers) e.g. C71I3B.
Air Transat Portugal
Booking numbers consist of 6 characters (letters and numbers) e.g. C71I3B.
Air Transat Spain
Booking numbers consist of 6 characters (letters and numbers) e.g. C71I3B.
Air Transat Switzerland
Booking numbers consist of 6 characters (letters and numbers) e.g. C71I3B.
Air Transat UK
Booking references consist of 6 characters (letters and numbers) e.g. C71I3B OR 8 digits e.g. 40091234
Canadian Affair UK & Ireland
Booking references consist of 8 digits e.g. 40091234
Please contact your travel agent.
Need more help ?
You can speak to an agent at any time by calling 514-636-3630 or 1-877-TRANSAT (1-877-872-6728). The hearing impaired can call 1-866-234-5136 (TTY) toll free within North America or 514-906-5196 in the local Montreal area. It will be our pleasure to assist you.